Why we exist

and what underpins our being

Why we do it

B-Change For Good was born at the intersection of an enjoyment of business, a drive to make a positive impact, and a deep-rooted fascination in human behaviour.

While working in purpose-driven consultancy, an idea seeded between two colleagues - what if we could create a new type of consultancy/agency where values-driven, yet commercially minded, specialists could help change makers across business and public service effect change amongst the people they look after?

And so we planted this seed.

And when we shared our vision with others who converged around a similar drive to change the way things are done, albeit with a different set of skills to realise that change, we realised we were onto something bigger than a startup between two friends. This was a new way of doing things in its own right… We’d happened upon a change collective with the most impressive array of talents. A social enterprise was born.

Core values

A blue tick in the center of an image.

Impact driven

We relentlessly focus our attention on what will achieve the most impactful change

A blue and white icon of hands holding people.

Integrity rooted

We are in service to something far bigger than ourselves.

A blue outline of a head with an idea light bulb in it.

Interested minds

We are humble and curious

A blue rocket with the letter c on it.

Innovative thinkers

We ponder both 'what could be' and 'what exists elsewhere', thinking laterally to find the right solutions.

Get in touch

If you are looking to create ripples, drop us a line.